R Ferari.

Interactive Media.


Spaced Out (2021)

Game & Art Director

Spaced Out (2021) is a 2D narrative platformer where you play as an Astronaut discovering a new planet, collecting resources and information for your frightened co-workers.

Spaced Out features 3 unique environments— a Geode Valley, the Sticky Canopy, and Cloudy Coasts. Each environment features its own platforming mechanic for the player to learn. Players will experience an alternating sense of curiosity and apprehension when engaging with the environment and mechanics. The intent as a whole is providing both satisfaction and appropriate frustration in order to illustrate how to one might cope with being alone in a new space.

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Mars Wurhld (2021)

Art Direction and Interaction Design

Mars Wurhld is a completely conceptual, fantastical land where you are a visitor on Mars and martians have created an entire theme park dedicated to their interpretations of human culture.


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Broken Fall (2018)

Art, Game Design, and Programming

(tw: flashing lights, implied suicide)

Broken Fall (2018) is a 2D top-down short mystery game in whcih you make your way through your house to look for your brother. Instead, you discover your fate.